March 19, 2024 9:00 AM
700 CHF
Hotel Beau-Rivage Geneva

7th Mare Forum Geneva

The Charterers - Shipowners - Capital Providers - Regulators, Dialogue

Following the successfully held Mare Forum events around the globe, we are pleased to inform you that we are back in Geneva for the 7th edition of the Mare Forum Geneva conference. The conference will be held on Tuesday, 19 March 2024, at the Hotel Beau Rivage in Geneva. [ scroll down..]


There are no boring company presentations and long speeches, only dynamic and lively discussions between the panellists and audience participants.

The participants are Shipping Executives, Ship-owners, Managers, Traders, Charterers, Capital providers, Investors, EnergyExecutives, Regulators, Maritime Lawyers, Consultants, Shipbuilders, Classification Societies, Press, shipping services providers, and smart entrepreneurs.

The six previous Mare Forum Geneva forums have been bristling with ideas and dynamic debate.

- If you are in shipping in trade and want to know what will happen next, come to MareForum in Geneva.

 It will be inspiring. Be There.

P R O G R A M M E 

Hotel Beau-Rivage Geneva


- Florence Schurch, Secretary General, SuisseNégoce
- Zhongyi (John) Su Group Chairman & CEO, Erasmus Shipinvest Group
- Ioannis (Jannis) Kostoulas, President, Mare Forum
- David Urwyler Head Swiss Maritime Navigation Office SMNO, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA
- Rakhi Rastogi Global Head of Trading Analytics - Shipping and Energy, CARGILL
- Alex Haubert
- Martin Viquesnel Head of Shipping Innovation, Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A.
- Maryana Yarmolenko Stober President, WISTA Switzerland and Associate General Counsel, EMEA at ADM
- Tom Softeland Chairman, Spinnaker
- Nicolas Vernicos President, Vernicos Group
- Alessandro Gelli, Tanker Projects Broker, BRS Shipbrokers
- David Ratner Managing Director, Scorpa Pranedya Singapore (Pte) Ltd
- Yasmina Rauber
General Secretary of the ZCA (Zug Commodity Association) / Managing Director, Yas Maritime
- Kostas Gkonis Director / Secretary General at INTERCARGO
- Jan Hoffmann Chief, Trade Logistics Branch, DTL, UNCTAD
- Alberto Perez, Head of Maritime Commercial Markets, Lloyd's Register
- Geert Dokter CEO, CONOSHIP Intrenational
- Olivier Baiwir CEO, Aderco
- Jan Fransen Executive Director, Green Award Foundation
- Lina Jasutiene Shipping attorney, Founder, and CEO, Recoupex a Global cargo transportation lawyers Hub
- Anastasia Kiritsi Professor, Arden University
- Corrado Pesce Chartering Broker, Marnavi spa
- Mark Assaf Chief Human Resources Development Section– TRAINFORTRADE, UNCTAD
- Patrick Bachofner Director, Geneva Office and Worldwide Director, Yachts, International Registries
- Serge Claus
Education & Training Manager SUISSENÉGOCE - Président HR Vaud
- Harris Antoniou Founder and Managing Director,Neptune Maritime Leasing Ltd
- Pierre Pochard Business Development Manager, DNV
- Katalin Dobranszky
Director, Finance & Fiscal Affairs, European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA)
- Joerg Langkabel VP Business Development, DNV
- Charlotte Baiwir Chief Administrative Officer, ADERCO
- Ertug Yasar External Relations Commission Member of GISBIR (Turkish Shipbuilders Association)
- Andreas Chrysikos Sales Manager GLANDER Intrnatinal Bunkering
- Jonathan Le Feuvre Director, SPI Marine in Switzerland
- Aggeliki Rinioti Shipbroker, BRS Shipbrokers
- Mathilde de Mareuil
Headhunter at Shipping & Trading Network (STN) and Vice President at WISTA CH
- Apostolos Poulovassilis Business College of Athens and Director, Ocean Technologies Group Director of Maritime Studies
- more panellists are to be announced; stay tuned

Hotel Beau-Rivage Geneva


Session 1:

● Opening and welcome

- Ioannis (Jannis) Kostoulas President, Mare Forum [ORGANISER]
- Zhongyi (John) Su
Group Chairman & CEO, Erasmus Shipinvest Group [CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN]
- Florence Schurch, Secretary General, SuisseNégoce
- Yasmina Rauber
General Secretary of the ZCA (Zug Commodity Association) / Founder of YAS Coaching
- Kostas Gkonis Director / Secretary General at INTERCARGO
- Maryana Yarmolenko Stober President, WISTA Switzerland and Associate General Counsel, EMEA at ADM
- David Urwyler Head Swiss Maritime Navigation Office SMNO, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA

Session 2:

● Who is afraid of the Future?

Everything flows. Geopolitics, trade and trade patterns, commodities, and shipping markets forecasts. Challenges and opportunities, priorities, and goals in the multipolar world.

The voices of Charterers - shipowners – capital providers – and regulators

- Geopolitics, tensions between Russia, China, Middle East, Europe and USA. Inflation, immigration,  regionalisation vs globalisation, energy transition, changing trade patterns, and supply chain disruption.
- What are the Shipping market forecasts for 2024 and beyond, and what are the shipping and trade opportunities today while sailing in unknown waters? (coal, agri-commodities, iron ore, liquids)
- What is the role of charterers, shipowners, capital providers and regulators in the multi-relationship structure of their interests, focusing on sustainable and commercially viable shipping and trading industry?
- Regulations imperatives: Creating the right balance between regulations and market realities.
- What are possible incentives for first movers to decarbonization?
- Who is afraid of the future?

- Harris Antoniou Founder and Managing Director,Neptune Maritime Leasing Ltd
- Martin Viquesnel Head of Shipping Innovation, Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A.
- Rakhi Rastogi Global Head of Trading Analytics - Shipping and Energy, CARGILL
- Alessandro Gelli, Tanker Projects Broker, BRS Shipbrokers
- Nicolas Vernicos President, Vernicos Group
- Jan Hoffmann Chief, Trade Logistics Branch, DTL, UNCTAD
- Katalin Dobranszky Director, Finance & Fiscal Affairs, European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA)
- Olivier Baiwir CEO, Aderco
- Geert Dokter CEO, CONOSHIP Intrenational
- Pierre Pochard Business Development Manager, DNV
- Jonathan Le Feuvre Director, SPI Marine in Switzerland
- Lina Jasutiene Shipping attorney, Founder, and CEO, Recoupex a Global cargo transportation lawyers Hub


session 3:

● Energy transition - Pioneering to 2030 - 2050 and beyond.

- The Right Way Ahead to Decarbonization.  
- Where does the money come from to finance, and how do you get it?
- Lessons to be Learned

Topics to be selected for the discussion

- How exposed is the existing fleet to upcoming legislation,and how do shipowners mitigate risk?
- Are carbon-neutral or zero-carbon operations a target? If so, what are the steps to reach it (e.g., vessel speed, efficiency upgrades, switching to alternative fuels, offsetting)?
- What is now required to start reducing emissions immediately?
- What can we do now to help accelerate the availability of zero-carbon ships while at the same time reducing shipping’s footprint: slow steaming, retrofits, ESG reporting, and verification
- How are alternative fuel suppliers preparing to provide carbon-neutral and zero-carbon fuels for shipping at scale?
- Will repair yards have the capacity to deal with an upcoming wave of retrofits? How are they preparing for the challenge?
- What are the necessary changes in port infrastructure, and is there a plan of implementation by the relevant authorities? What are the key priorities?
- Can industry-wide initiatives, such as green corridors, accelerate the industry’s transformation? What does it take for them to be successful?
- What are the trends in banking, alternative ship finance,bonds and other models of finance and investments on the way to decarbonisation?
- What will be the future role of the European and global banks in the industry (in the context of the increased role of alternative finance providers)?
- What are the benefits of the features of Alternative Finance to the global shipping industry?
- Will the maritime green trend accelerate in case the role of alternative finance in shipping increases?
- Will alternative finance focus more on new-build financing or on second-hand?
- Lending has become highly diverse; what are the most common alternative financing structures?

- Lessons to be learned

- Tom Softeland Chairman, Spinnaker
- Alberto Perez, Head of Maritime Commercial Markets, Lloyd's Register
- Joerg Langkabel VP Business Development, DNV
- Rakhi Rastogi Global Head of Trading Analytics - Shipping and Energy, CARGILL
- Martin Viquesnel Head of Shipping Innovation, Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A.
- Alex Haubert
- David Ratner Managing Director, Scorpa Pranedya Singapore (Pte) Ltd
- Kostas Gkonis Director / Secretary General at INTERCARGO
- Geert Dokter CEO, CONOSHIP Intrenational
- Nicolas Vernicos President, Vernicos Group
- Jan Fransen Executive Director, Green Award Foundation
- Andreas Chrysikos Sales Manager GLANDER Intrnatinal Bunkering
- Jonathan Le Feuvre Director, SPI Marine in Switzerland
- Ertug Yasar External Relations Commission Member of GISBIR (Turkish Shipbuilders Association)


session 4

● Expansion

The continuous discussion on Maritime Switserland's future and the world  

- A comparison between some of the Global Maritime Hubs and Geneva and Switzerland.
- The competitiveness of Geneva’s Maritime and Trade Cluster.
– What has been done, and what to do next?
- What are the conditions for Switzerland to expand its position as a leading global trade and shipping hub? Taxes, Incentives and quality business environment.
- What are the requirements of shipping and trading companies?
- What are the views and the role of industry and Government next?
- What are the next steps to be taken?

- Jan Hoffmann, Head, Trade Logistics Branch, Division on Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD
(General Discussion)
- Florence Schurch, Secretary General, SuisseNégoce
- All conference panellists
- Audience Participants


session 5

● The Human Factor and technological inventions in Shipping and trade

A Holistic Approach, dilemmas, and imperatives  

Discussion themes

- Artificial Intelligence- challenges and Opportunities
- Digitalization: efficiency, data, digital broking, automated ships
- Shipping, trade,  smart ports, management, data, interconnections  
- Why are New Skills, Charismatic and Talented people needed in the Shipping and trade industry?
- Do we need new skills and expertise, plus more diversity in shipping and trade?
- How to attract new talents in shipping and trading
- What is the role of shipping and trading education institutes in the era of sustainability?
- What are the trends in shipping management?
- What are the visions of the young generation?
- What are they looking for to enter a shipping and trade carrier?
- How to attract young people to shipping and trade?

- Yasmina Rauber General Secretary of the ZCA (Zug Commodity Association) / Founder of YAS Coaching
- Serge Claus Education & Training Manager SUISSENÉGOCE - Président HR Vaud
- Tom Softeland Chairman, Spinnaker
- Anastasia Kiritsi Professor, Arden University
- Charlotte Baiwir Chief Administrative Officer, ADERCO
- Lina Jasutiene Shipping attorney, Founder, and CEO, Recoupex a Global cargo transportation lawyers Hub
- Mark Assaf Chief Human Resources Development Section– TRAINFORTRADE, UNCTAD
- Katalin Dobranszky Director, Finance & Fiscal Affairs, European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA)
- Aggeliki Rinioti Shipbroker, BRS Shipbrokers
- Mathilde de Mareuil Headhunter at Shipping & Trading Network (STN) and Vice President at WISTA CH
- Apostolos Poulovassilis Business College of Athens and Director, Ocean Technologies Group Director of Maritime Studies

Session 6

● Conclusions and recommendations

General discussion, Synthesis and recommendations

- Zhongyi (John) Su President & CEO, Erasmus Shipinvest Group
- Harris Antoniou Founder and Managing Director, Neptune Maritime Leasing Ltd
- Jan Hoffmann, Head, Trade Logistics Branch, Division on Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD
- Ioannis (Jannis) Kostoulas President, Mare Forum
- Yasmina Rauber
General Secretary of the ZCA (Zug Commodity Association) / Managing Director, Yas Maritime
- Tom Softeland
Chairman, Spinnaker

17:00 – 18:30

Drinks Reception hosted by

IRI/The Marshall Islands Registry

Mare Forum Geneva is an exclusive annual shipping conference hosting principals and high-level executives actively participating, discussing, debating, and brainstorming about the future of green shipping, trade, geopolitics, energy transition and security, investments, ship-finance, the shipping and trade markets forecasts and the expansion of the position of Switzerland as a major shipping and trade hub in Europe and the World.

Speakers & Panelists

Mathilde de Mareuil
Mathilde de Mareuil
Headhunter at Shipping & Trading Network (STN)
Vice President at WISTA CH
Alberto Perez
Alberto Perez
Head of Maritime Commercial Markets
Lloyd's Register
David Urwyler
David Urwyler
Head Swiss Maritime Navigation Office SMNO
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA
Yasmina Rauber
Yasmina Rauber
General Secretary of the ZCA (Zug Commodity Association) /
Founder of YAS Coaching
Francesco Morici
Francesco Morici
Chartering Manager
Christiania Shipping
Jan Fransen
Jan Fransen
Executive Director
Green Award Foundation
Andreas Chrysikos
Andreas Chrysikos
Sales Manager
GLANDER Bunkering
Geert Dokter
Geert Dokter
Conoship International BV
Florence Schurch
Florence Schurch
Secretary General
Katalin Dobranszky
Katalin Dobranszky
Senior Director Policy Analysis, Social Affairs and Finance,
European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA)
Charlotte Baiwir
Charlotte Baiwir
Chief Administrative Officer
Mark Assaf
Mark Assaf
Chief Human Resources Development Section– TRAINFORTRADE.
Patrick Bachofner
Patrick Bachofner
Director, Geneva Office and Worldwide Director, Yachts
International Registries
Maryana Yarmolenko Stober
Maryana Yarmolenko Stober
President, WISTA Switzerland
Associate General Counsel, EMEA at ADM
Serge Claus
Serge Claus
Education & Training Manager SUISSENÉGOCE
President HR Vaud
Rakhi Rastogi
Rakhi Rastogi
Global Head of Trading Analytics - Shipping and Energy
Ioannis (Jannis) Kostoulas
Ioannis (Jannis) Kostoulas
Mare Forum
Dr. Elizabeth Lindstad
Dr. Elizabeth Lindstad
Chief Scientist
Zhongyi (John) Su
Zhongyi (John) Su
Group Chairman & CEO
Erasmus Shipinvest Group
Corrado Pesce
Corrado Pesce
Chartering Broker
Marnavi spa
More panelists to be announced
More panelists to be announced
David Ratner
David Ratner
Managing Director
Scorpa Pranedya Singapore
Nicolas A. Vernicos
Nicolas A. Vernicos
Vernicos Maritime Group
Aggeliki Rinioti
Aggeliki Rinioti
BRS Shipbrokers
Martin Viquesnel
Martin Viquesnel
Head of Shipping Innovation
Louis Dreyfus Company Suisse S.A.
Tom Softeland
Tom Softeland
Anastasia Kiritsi
Anastasia Kiritsi
Arden University
Harris Antoniou
Harris Antoniou
Founder and Managing Director
Neptune Maritime Leasing Ltd
Lina Jasutiene
Lina Jasutiene
Shipping attorney, Founder, and CEO
Recoupex a Global cargo transportation lawyers Hub
Joerg Langkabel
Joerg Langkabel
VP Business Development
Kostas Gkonis
Kostas Gkonis
Director and Secretary General
Jan Hoffmann
Jan Hoffmann
Chief, Trade Logistics Branch, DTL
Jonathan Le Feuvre
Jonathan Le Feuvre
Managing Director
SPI Marine in Switzerland
Olivier Baiwir
Olivier Baiwir
Ertuğ Yaşar
Ertuğ Yaşar
External Relations Commission Member
GISBIR Turkish Shipbuilders Association
Alessandro Gelli
Alessandro Gelli
Tanker Projects Broker
BRS Shipbrokers
Pierre Pochard
Pierre Pochard
Business Development Manager
Alex Haubert
Alex Haubert

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