June 11, 2020 11:00 AM
Virtual Event

Sense & Nonsense about Fuels

Partner: Bureau Veritas

Mare Forum + Bureau Veritas will host this online panel discussion on sense and nonsense about fuels and decarbonization. Our panel of experts will guide you through a web of questions about the future of fuels and Green Shipping.


Themes to be discussed:

• Decarbonization after Covid-19 – acceleration or deceleration?
• Decarbonization: international v. national and local variations in requirements?
• Scrubbers or fuels – still a dilemma?
• Slow steaming – where are we?
• Is LNG a solution for the near-term only?
• Is hydrogen technology and its widespread availability for shipping only a dream?
• And what about the other liquid alternatives?
• The role of batteries and electric propulsion?
• Is there enough infrastructure in ports worldwide to facilitate new fuels?
• When will shipbuilders start marketing low to zero carbon ship designs?
• New ship types for new trades?
• Is there money - and who has it - to invest in green fuels and green shipping?
• Can we find a balance between compliance and commercial sense?

Speakers & Panelists

Mireille Tirel
Mireille Tirel
Director of Paris Office
Groupe Eyssautier
Andrew Wilson
Andrew Wilson
Head of Energy Research
Barry Rogliano Salles (BRS)
Harilaos Psaraftis
Harilaos Psaraftis
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
George Pateras
George Pateras
Hellenic Chamber of Shipping
Gust Biesbroeck
Gust Biesbroeck
Prow Capital
Alexander Prokopakis
Alexander Prokopakis
Executive Director
International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA)
Maarten Lodewijks
Maarten Lodewijks
Value Maritime
Nicholas Brown
Nicholas Brown
Corporate Affairs Director. Marine & Offshore Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore

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