November 18, 2021 11:00 AM
Virtual Event

Funding Short Sea Shipping 5

Partner: RINA

MARE FORUM and RINA will host the 5th part of a series of digital Mare Forum round tables on "Funding Short Sea Ships today and zero-carbon ships of the future". Our panel consisting of leading Capital Providers, Shipowners and Services Providers will guide you through a web of questions, answers and visions about trends in funding Short Sea Ships today and in the future.


Themes to be discussed:

  • What are the owners' requirements?
  • How to convince the capital providers to fund short sea ships?
  • What to do until the zero-carbon-future-ships are ready
  • What is the role of governments and charterers?
  • Who will design the ship of the future?
  • What insights do we have into the commercial viability of future ship designs?
  • Who will take the investment risk on these technologies? What is the role of the capital provider and charterer?
  • Are there consolidations and acquisitions imperatives towards fleet sustainable modernization?
  • Speakers & Panelists

    Johan Boomsma
    Johan Boomsma
    Owner/ Managing Director
    Boomsma Shipping
    Aleksandr Lisitskiy
    Aleksandr Lisitskiy
    Managing Director, Rix Shipmanagement
    Pino Spadafora
    Pino Spadafora
    Global Marine Commercial Senior Director
    Geert Dokter
    Geert Dokter
    Conoship International BV
    George Xiradakis
    George Xiradakis
    President of the Association of Banking and Financial Executives of Hellenic Shipping
    CEO, XRTC Business Consultants Ltd.
    Marina Tzoutzouraki
    Marina Tzoutzouraki
    CFO and co-founder
    Ed van Aalst
    Ed van Aalst
    Senior Relationship Manager
    ABN AMRO Bank N.V.

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