July 8, 2021 11:00 AM
Virtual Event

Designing the Ship of the Future 8

Partner: Bureau Veritas

MARE FORUM and BUREAU VERITAS will host the 8th online round table of the very successful series "Designing zero-carbon ships of the future and what to do until they are ready" This theme will be discussed again in a holistic approach, in a roundtable consisting of leading experts of the maritime industry chair-holders. They will exchange their thoughts, ideas, and visions and try to give the answer to the following questions.



It’s been a year since the first "Designing the sip of the future.." – now for the 8th episode we will consider:

- The implications of the accelerating urgency required to address the climate emergency
- Where are we now?
- What has changed? What has happened in the year that has passed – has shipping made progress?
- Is one of the main problems that shipping, as a vital industry, is losing control of the agenda?
- And, what about the image of the industry – is a more positive image going to a key factor in controlling our destiny and enabling us to build the ships of the future?
- Who has a clear view of the design of the ship of the future? (low emissions, greater efficiency, speed, digitalization, materials, engines, etc..)

- Who will design the ship of the future?
- What insights do we have into the commercial viability of future ship designs?
- Who will take the investment risk on these technologies? What is the role of the capital provider and charterer?
- Is LNG just a transition fuel? Hydrogen, ammonia, batteries, and nuclear?
- Is there enough infrastructure in ports worldwide to facilitate new fuels?
- Will we have new trades, requiring new ship types – e.g. hydrogen carriers and ammonia product tankers? Agenda for action - next steps. What can we do now to help accelerate the availability of zero-carbon ships while at the same time reducing shipping’s footprint: slow steaming, retrofits, ESG reporting, and verificatio

Speakers & Panelists

Michael de Visser
Michael de Visser
Managing Director
SEAHORSE Consulting & Invest
Dr. Elizabeth Lindstad
Dr. Elizabeth Lindstad
Chief Scientist
Martial Claudepierre
Martial Claudepierre
Regional General Manager
Bureau Veritas
Mark Cameron
Mark Cameron
Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Ardmore Shipping
Mikal Boe
Mikal Boe
Martin Wattum
Martin Wattum
Head of Projects and Business Transformation
Torvald Klaveness
Panos Zachariadis
Panos Zachariadis
Fleet Technical Director
Atlantic Bulk Carriers Management Ltd.
Nicholas Brown
Nicholas Brown
Corporate Affairs Director. Marine & Offshore Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore

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