May 3, 2022 9:00 AM
600 euro

5th Mare Forum Geneva 2022

The Charterers - Shipowners Dialogue

Following the successful 4th Mare Forum Geneva, Mare Forum is pleased to announce the 5th Mare Forum Geneva 2022 "THE CHARTERERS - SHIPOWNERS DIALOGUE", to be held on Tuesday 3 May 2022 at the Hotel Beau-Rivage in Geneva. The four previous Mare Forum Geneva forums have been bristling with ideas and dynamic debate.... [scroll down]...


A very high level audience consisting of leading executives from the shipping, trade, and finance industry, appreciates and makes the most of the dynamic format and honest debate.

If you are interested in commodities and shipping business, and if you want to know what’s next in 2022 and beyond we invite you to attend the 5th Mare Forum Geneva 2022 “The Charterers Shipowners’ Dialogue”.

You will find your answers here.

Together with a very high level local and international audience, participants will plunge in a pool of booming business and new network opportunities with the focus on global shipping and commodities trade, transportation and the future of the global commodities and maritime hubs.

It will be inspiring, Be There, Be Heard

P R O G R A M M E 

Tuesday 3 May 2022
Hotel Beau-Rivage, Geneva

08:30 Registration

Session 1:

Opening and welcome

- Ioannis (Jannis) Kostoulas
President, MARE FORUM
- Michael Kleiner
Economic Development Officer, REPUBLIC AND STATE OF GENEVA
- Florence Schurch
Secretary General, Swiss Trading and Shipping association STSA
- Yasmina Rauber
General Secretary of the ZCA (Zug Commodity Association)


Session 2:

Everything flows!
(Ta panta rei - Herakleitos 475 BC.)
Is the world sailing to unknown waters? Challenges, opportunities and risks on Trade, Shipping and Finance.  

Discussion topics:
- What are the effects on the global trade, shipping, economy, regulations and geopolitics. Risk management vs. the entrepreneurial spirit vs. regulation vs. politics vs. technological breakthrough...., too many fronts to fight?
- Are we moving into an era of increased trade tensions and regionalism and protectionism, or do we still expect a continuing rise of these phenomena as we have experienced over the past?
- Will we experience the perfect "trifecta" this year and into 2022/2023 with all major commodity shipping (dry, energy, container) going into significant upcycles?
- If we agree that the "trifecta" is indeed coming is this a combined result of tonnage supply, commodity inflation and post Covid-19 euphoria?
- And, if so, will there be new trade patterns, new infrastructure investment and what do we need to do to protect the roaring 2020's?

- George Gourdomichalis, President& Managing Director, Phoenix Shipping & Trading S.A.


- Alessio La Rosa Global Head of Freight, COFCO International
- Harris Antoniou Founder and Managing Director Neptune Maritime Leasing Ltd
- Jonathan Le Feuvre
Managing Director, SPI Marine in Switzerland
- Bruno Dabouis
Vice President, Chief Executive for West Europe, North America and North Africa Bureau Veritas Marine and Offshore Division
- Martijn Snijder Managing Director, Olmar
- Jan Hoffmann Chief, Trade Logistics Branch, DTL UNCTAD
- Tom Softeland Chairman, Spinnaker
- Pierre Pochard Business Development Manager & Key Account Manager, DNV


session 3:
Designing the zero-carbon ships of the future and what to do until they are ready?
What do we need to do now to immediately start reducing emissions?
Where to invest your money today?

Discussion topics:
- The zero-carbon ships of the future and what to do until they are ready?
- Is regional regulation a bad thing in the meantime? Do you believe that IMO will always be playing catch-up and regional initiatives are necessary to drive change.
- What are the possible incentives to first movers? Ideas needed
- Can the regulators follow the speed of the first movers with effective global regulations?
- Charterers will pay for GHG emissions but need a global market and price for carbon?
- Do you believe a new wave of retrofits is coming?
- What insights do we have into the commercial viability of future ship designs? Who will take the investment risk on these technologies?
- We need talented people for the future of shipping – where will they come from?
- Do you believe that we need new skills and expertise plus more diversity in shipping?
- Which do you consider to be the greatest challenge regarding crews’ knowledge in the near future?
- Are the politics of Climate change and the discussion of dual fuel vessels and new technology alternative fuel vessels clouding our judgement and pushing us into investments that are not sustainable?

- Stam Achillas Head of Business Development & Sales, 2-Stroke Fuel Conversions, WÄRTSILÄ


- Alex Haubert Head of Freight, Amaggi
- Rolf Stiefel CEO, Marine & Offshore Germany and Russia, Bureau Veritas
- Francesco Morici Chartering Manager, De Poli Tankers
- Andreas Chrysikos Sales Manager, GLANDER Bunkering
- Stefano Brigandì Marine Business Development Manager RINA
- George Gourdomichalis, President& Managing Director, Phoenix Shipping & Trading S.A.
- Georgios Plevrakis Vice President, Global Sustainability, ABS
- Jan Hoffmann Chief, Trade Logistics Branch, DTL UNCTAD
- Martijn Snijder Managing Director, Olmar
- Pierre Pochard Business Development Manager & Key Account Manager, DNV


session 4
Charterers - shipowners – capital providers – regulators

Exploring the role of charterers, shipowners, capital providers and regulators in the multi-relationship structure of their interests, focusing on sustainable and commercially viable shipping and trading industry.  

Discussion themes
- The New EU Taxonomy plan, effects on shipping and trade
- How is Ship and trade finance alternative and conventional) affected by EC Taxonomy legislation and the Green shift, and how soon can we begin a pragmatic transition?
- The need for new economic relationships and multi-lateral contracts to capture common benefits such as will be necessary to ensure that owners and charterers with their banks and insurers can measure, price and reduce GHG emissions?
- What are the Trends on finance and Investments in Green Shipping and Trade.
- What are the Capital providers' and traders' requirements from the Owners?
- What alternative finance structures can help Owners and Banks bridge the regulatory gap and how. .
- How will the near future of alternative ship finance look like for leasing (including Asian), corporate finance, funds, listing, bonds?
- Are the new small banks competitive enough and what are their niches?
- more themes to be announced

Harris Antoniou Managing Director, Neptune International


- Jan Hoffmann Chief, Trade Logistics Branch, DTL UNCTAD
- Tom Softeland Chairman, Spinnaker
- Katalin Dobranszky Director, Finance & Fiscal Affairs, European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA)
- Alessio La Rosa Global Head of Freight, COFCO International
- George Gourdomichalis, President& Managing Director, Phoenix Shipping & Trading S.A.
- Michiel Steeman Managing Partner Capital
- Theofilos Xenakoudis Director, IRI/The Marshall Islands Registry
- more panellists to be announced soon - STAY TUNED

session 5
Maritime Geneva and the world – Looking ahead

A comparison between some of the Global Maritime Hubs and Geneva. The
competitiveness of the Geneva’s Maritime and trade Cluster – What has been done
and what to do next? What are the conditions for Geneva to preserve its position as
one of the global trades and shipping hubs? Taxes, Incentives and quality business
environment. What’s next? What are the views and the role of industry and

- Jan Hoffmann Chief, Trade Logistics Branch, DTL UNCTAD


- Olivier Straub
Secretary General, Swiss Shipowners Association
- All speakers and Audience Participants


Session 7
The Women in Trade and Shipping Excellence!  
Data shows that companies with representative numbers of women in senior management, executive management, and on boards of directors routinely outperform their non-diverse competitors.

Discussion themes:
- What can shipping & trading effectively do in order to attract more women and make sure they stay?
- How can Sustainability leadership support this? Both at shore and onboard ships.
- Do we need more regulations or can the shipping industry be the leaders to drive the change?
- Trends on shipping and trade management  - attract characters passionate personalities also from other industries
- More discussion themes to be announced

- Yasmina Rauber
SecretaryGeneral, Zug Commodities Association.
Executive & Leadership Coach


- Petya Sechanova CEO of Covantis
- Florence Schurch Secretary General, Swiss Trading and Shipping association STSA
- Aitana Conca Director, EMEA, Chinsay
- Mathilde de Mareuil Vice President and in HR, Wista Switzerland
- Lina Jasutiene, Shipping attorney, Founder, and CEO at Recoupex a Global cargo transportation lawyers Hub.
- more panellists to be announced - STAY TUNED


17:10 - 18:30
Cocktail Reception hosted by

The Marshall Islands Registry

Speakers & Panelists

Jan Hoffmann
Jan Hoffmann
Chief, Trade Logistics Branch, DTL
Petya Sechanova
Petya Sechanova
CEO of Covantis.
George Gourdomichalis
George Gourdomichalis
President & Managing Director
Phoenix Shipping & Trading S.A.
Stam Achillas
Stam Achillas
Head of Business Development & Sales, 2-Stroke Fuel Conversions
Andreas Chrysikos
Andreas Chrysikos
Sales Manager
GLANDER Bunkering
Aitana Conca
Aitana Conca
Director, EMEA
Mathilde de Mareuil
Mathilde de Mareuil
Headhunter at Shipping & Trading Network (STN)
Vice President at WISTA CH
Alex Haubert
Alex Haubert
Harris Antoniou
Harris Antoniou
Founder and Managing Director
Neptune Maritime Leasing Ltd
Jonathan Le Feuvre
Jonathan Le Feuvre
Managing Director
SPI Marine in Switzerland
Katalin Dobranszky
Katalin Dobranszky
Senior Director Policy Analysis, Social Affairs and Finance,
European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA)
Francesco Morici
Francesco Morici
Chartering Manager
Christiania Shipping
Florence Schurch
Florence Schurch
Secretary General
Stefano Brigandì
Stefano Brigandì
Marine Business Development Manager
Bruno Dabouis
Bruno Dabouis
Vice President, Chief Executive for West Europe, North America and North Africa
Bureau Veritas Marine and Offshore Division.
Theofilos Xenakoudis
Theofilos Xenakoudis
Chief Commercial Officer, Managing Director - Piraeus Office
IRI/The Marshall Islands Registry
Yasmina Rauber
Yasmina Rauber
General Secretary of the ZCA (Zug Commodity Association) /
Founder of YAS Coaching
Rolf Stiefel
Rolf Stiefel
Chief Executive Officer, Marine & Offshore for Germany and Russia.
Bureau Veritas
Michael Kleiner
Michael Kleiner
Economic Development Officer
Olivier Straub
Olivier Straub
Secretary General
Swiss Shipowners Association
Ioannis (Jannis) Kostoulas
Ioannis (Jannis) Kostoulas
Mare Forum
Alessio La Rosa
Alessio La Rosa
Global Head of Freight
Pierre Pochard
Pierre Pochard
Business Development Manager
Martijn Snijder
Martijn Snijder
Managing Director
Lina Jasutiene
Lina Jasutiene
Shipping attorney, Founder, and CEO
Recoupex a Global cargo transportation lawyers Hub
Tom Softeland
Tom Softeland
Georgios Plevrakis
Georgios Plevrakis
Vice President, Global Sustainability

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