September 21, 2021 9:00 AM
from 500 Euro
Hotel Beau Rivage | 13 Quai du Mont-Blanc, Geneva - Switzerland

4th Mare Forum Geneva 2021

"The Charterers – Shipowners Dialogue”

Following the successful 3rd Mare Forum Geneva, Mare Forum is pleased to announce the 4th Mare Forum Geneva 2021 "THE CHARTERERS - SHIPOWNERS DIALOGUE", to be held on Tuesday 21 September 2021 at the Hotel Beau-Rivage in Geneva. The three previous Mare Forum Geneva forums have been bristling with ideas and dynamic debate.


A very high level audience consisting of leading executives from the shipping, trade, and finance industry, appreciates and makes the most of the dynamic format and honest debate. Together with a high level local and international audience, participants will plunge in a pool of booming business and new network opportunities with the focus on global shipping and commodities trade, transportation and the future of the global commodities and maritime hubs..

If you are interested in commodities and shipping business, and if you want to know what’s next in 2022 and beyond we invite you to attend the 4th Mare Forum Geneva 2021 “The Charterers Shipowners’ Dialogue”. You will find your answers here.

PROGRAMME (tentative)

Tuesday 21 September 2021 - Hotel Beau-Rivage, Geneva, Switzerland


Session 1:
Opening and welcome

Ioannis (Jannis) Kostoulas President, MARE FORUM
Michael Kleiner Economic Development Officer, REPUBLIC AND STATE OF GENEVA
Florence Schurch Secretary General, Swiss Trading and Shipping association STSA
Oliver Straub Secretary General, Swiss Shipowners Association
Yasmina Rauber
 General Secretary of the ZCA (Zug Commodity Association) / Managing Director Yas Maritime

Session 2:
Quo Vadis?  Geopolitics, Protectionism, Competition, Decarbonisation, New technologies, global economy and trade, Risks.

Challenges, opportunities and risks on the global trade, shipping, economy, regulations and geopolitics. Risk management vs. the entrepreneurial spirit vs. regulation vs. politics vs. technological breakthrough...., too many fronts to fight?
Are we moving into an era of decreased trade tensions and softer regionalism and protectionism, or do we still expect a continuing rise of these phenomena as we have experienced over the recent past? Will we experience the perfect "trifecta" this year and into 2022/2023 with all major commodity shipping (dry, energy, container) going into significant up cycles? If we agree that the "trifecta" is indeed coming is this a combined result of tonnage supply, commodity inflation and post Covid-19 euphoria? And, if so, will there be new trade patterns, new infrastructure investment and what do we need to do to protect the roaring 2020's?

Nicholas Brown Brand and Communications Director, Marine & Offshore, Bureau Veritas [session moderator]
Alessio La Rosa Global Head of Freight Cofco International Sa
Martijn Snijder Managing Director, OLMAR
Michiel Steeman Managing Partner Zuyderzee Capital
Connie Roozen, Partner, C&B More
Jonathan Le Feuvre Managing Director of SPI Marine in Switzerland
Harris Antoniou Founder and Managing Director, Neptune Maritime Leasing Ltd
more panelists to be announced - stay tuned

Session 3:
The shipping and trade markets forecasts
Martijn Snijder Managing Director, OLMAR [session moderator]
Andrew Wilson, Head of Research and Consultancy Services, BRS
Sevi Katemoglou Founder & Dry Cargo Shipbroker, EastGate Shipping Inc
Alessio La Rosa
 Global Head of Freight Cofco International Sa
Francesco Paolo Morici Chartering Manager DePoli Tankers
Andreas Chrysikos Sales Manager, Glander International Bunkering (Geneva)
Jonathan Le Feuvre, Managing Director of SPI Marine in Switzerland

more panelists to be announced - stay tuned

11:00 Break

Session 4:
Designing the zero-carbon ships of the future - Where to invest your money?
The zero-carbon ships of the future and what to do until they are ready.
A clear view of the design of the ship of the future: sustainability, innovations, sense and nonsense about fuels, new ships, new technology, and the commercial viability of all new technological inventions and innovations.
What insights do we have into the commercial viability of future ship designs? Who will take the investment risk on these technologies?
Are there consolidations and acquisitions imperatives towards fleet sustainable modernization? Scrubbers or fuels or slow steaming – still a dilemma?
Will there ever be a zero-carbon ship design? Is the world ready for any of the above?
Are the politics of Climate change and the discussion of dual fuel vessels and new technology alternative fuel vessels clouding our judgement and pushing us into investments that are not sustainable?

Jan Hoffmann
 Chief Trade Logistics Branch, UNCTAD [session moderator]
Chris Hughes

 GlobalLead, Shipping Markets Lloyd's Register
Antonis Trakakis Technical Director, Marine, RINA
Maarten Lodewijks Partner, Value Maritime
Andreas Chrysikos Sales Manager, Glander International Bunkering (Geneva)
Nicholas Brown Brand and Communications Director, Marine & Offshore, Bureau Veritas
Stam Achillas Head of Business Development & Sales, 2-Stroke Fuel Conversions, Wärtsilä
more panelists to be announced - stay tuned

13:00   Lunch

Session 5:
Synergies needed; Charterers - shipowners – capital providers – regulators
Exploring the role of charterers, shipowners, capital providers and regulators in the multi-relationship structure of their interests, focusing to sustainable and commercially viable shipping and trading industry.  
How can (environmental) regulations become better balanced with market realities?  How can the shipping industry be efficiently proactive to local regional and international regulations?
There are regulations on sustainability for shipowners, for capital providers coming soon (taxonomy), what about the charterers?
Are all these plethora of initiatives / regulations really needed or is a part of the bureaucratism behaviour of our institutions? How can we create a synergy between the chairholders of the shipping industry?

Harris Antoniou
Founder and Managing Director, Neptune Maritime Leasing Ltd [session moderator]
Michiel Steeman
 Managing Partner, Zuyderzee Capital
Apostolos Poulovassilis Director, Ocean Technologies Group
Michael Kleiner Economic Development Officer, REPUBLIC AND STATE OF GENEVA
Martijn Snijder Managing Director, Olmar
Alex Haubert Head of Freight, Amaggi
Nicholas Brown Brand and Communications Director, Marine & Offshore
more panelists to be announced - stay tuned

15:00  Break

Session 6:
Maritime Geneva, Switzerland and the world – Looking ahead
A comparison between some of the Global Maritime Hubs and Geneva. The competitiveness of the Geneva’s Maritime and trade Cluster – What has been done and what to do next? What are the conditions for Geneva to preserve its position as one of the global trades and shipping hubs? Taxes, Incentives and quality business environment. What’s next? What are the views and the role of industry and Government?

Oliver Straub Secretary General, Swiss Shipowners Association
Florence Schurch Secretary General, Swiss Trading and Shipping association STSA
Michael Kleiner Economic Development Officer, REPUBLIC AND STATE OF GENEVA
Connie Roozen
, Partner, C&B More
Discussion with all speakers, panellists and audience participants

Session 7:
Waiting for Godot? Women in shipping and trade
Following the IMO and UN positions on women in maritime and trade, there is now an urgent need to implement the policy.  Can we discuss and create thoughts about how to facilitate improvements of the women role in maritime and trade.

Yasmina Rauber General Secretary of the ZCA (Zug Commodity Association) /
Managing Director Yas Maritime [session moderator]
Rafael Huber Human Resources Leader, Ocean Transportation and World Trading Group, Cargill
Maryana Yarmolenko Stober
, President, WISTA Switzerland / Associate General Counsel, EMEA at ADM
Harris Antoniou Founder and Managing Director, Neptune Maritime Leasing Ltd
Florence Schurch Secretary General, Swiss Trading and Shipping association STSA
Connie Roozen Partner, C&BMORE / President, Rotterdam Maritime Services Community
Mags Moroney Region Head of Sales, DTN
Mariella Bottiglieri Green Commercial Manager , SeaQuest Marine
more panelists to be announced - stay tuned


17:20 - 18:20
Cocktail Reception hosted by

The Marshall Islands Registry  

Speakers & Panelists

Michiel Steeman
Michiel Steeman
Managing Partner
Zuyderzee Capital
Harris Antoniou
Harris Antoniou
Founder and Managing Director
Neptune Maritime Leasing Ltd
Alessio La Rosa
Alessio La Rosa
Global Head of Freight
Nicholas Brown
Nicholas Brown
Corporate Affairs Director. Marine & Offshore Bureau Veritas
Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore
Stam Achillas
Stam Achillas
Head of Business Development & Sales, 2-Stroke Fuel Conversions
Martijn Snijder
Martijn Snijder
Managing Director
Sevi Katemoglou
Sevi Katemoglou
Founder & Dry Cargo Shipbroker
EastGate Shipping Inc
Yasmina Rauber
Yasmina Rauber
General Secretary of the ZCA (Zug Commodity Association) /
Founder of YAS Coaching
Mags Moroney
Mags Moroney
Global Commercial Manager
Florence Schurch
Florence Schurch
Secretary General
Maarten Lodewijks
Maarten Lodewijks
Value Maritime
Andreas Chrysikos
Andreas Chrysikos
Sales Manager
GLANDER Bunkering
Mariella Bottiglieri Green
Mariella Bottiglieri Green
Commercial Manager
SeaQuest Marine
Maryana Yarmolenko Stober
Maryana Yarmolenko Stober
President, WISTA Switzerland
Associate General Counsel, EMEA at ADM
Jonathan Le Feuvre
Jonathan Le Feuvre
Managing Director
SPI Marine in Switzerland
Rafael Huber
Rafael Huber
Human Resources Leader
Ocean Transportation and World Trading Group, CARGILL
Olivier Straub
Olivier Straub
Secretary General
Swiss Shipowners Association
Apostolos Poulovassilis
Apostolos Poulovassilis
Director / Director of Maritime Studies
Ocean Technologies Group / Business College of Athens
Andrew Wilson
Andrew Wilson
Head of Energy Research
Barry Rogliano Salles (BRS)
Alex Haubert
Alex Haubert
Ioannis (Jannis) Kostoulas
Ioannis (Jannis) Kostoulas
Mare Forum
Michael Kleiner
Michael Kleiner
Economic Development Officer
Connie Roozen
Connie Roozen
Tax Partner
C&B More
Jan Hoffmann
Jan Hoffmann
Chief, Trade Logistics Branch, DTL
Antonis Trakakis
Antonis Trakakis
Technical Director, Marine
Chris Hughes
Chris Hughes
Global Lead, Shipping Markets
Lloyd’s Register Marine & Offshore

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