November 8, 2023 9:00 AM
650 EUR + VAT
Ahoy, Exhibition Center Rotterdam

22nd Mare Forum Ship Finance

The Capital Providers - Shipowners Dialogue

All-important shipping and ship finance themes will be discussed in a holistic approach in several sessions consisting of leading executives and experts from the shipping industry; owners, financiers, Investors, regulators, charterers and other service providers. They will exchange their thoughts, ideas, and visions and their role in several financing and shipping investing models for today and in the future. ... [scroll down]..


The 22nd Mare Forum Shipfinance 2023 conference will take place at the Ahoy, Exhibition Center in Rotterdam in conjunction with the "Europort International Maritime Exhibition"

The 21 previous Mare Forum Ship Finance forums have been bristling with ideas and dynamic debate.
A very high-level audience consisting of leading executives from the shipping industry appreciates and makes the most of the dynamic format and honest debate...

- If you are an owner needing help finding a good capital provider, come to Mare Forum. Here they are.

- If you are a capital provider needing help finding a good owner, come to Mare Forum and meet them.

- If you are in shipping and ship finance and want to know what will happen next, come to Mare Forum. Good answers will be there.

It will be an inspiring experience.


[ Please scroll down to view the tentative list of confirmed speakers and discussion panellists.]

The tentative list of panellists:

- Pieter Baan,
Director, ING Business Banking Shipping
- Michael de Visser Global Head of Transportation, NIBC Bank
- Eva Klein Ovink Executive Director Short Sea Shipping and Intermodal Coverage, ABN AMRO Bank
- Annet Koster Managing Director, Royal Association of Netherlands' Shipowners
- Ioannis Kostoulas President, Mare Forum
- Victoria Ji Coaster Team Lead, Cargill Ocean Transportation
- Zhongyi (John) Su President & CEO, Erasmus Shipinvest Group
- Robert Verburgt CEO Alliance Maritime
- Michiel Steeman Managing Partner. Zuyderzee Capital
- Pino Spadafora Global Marine Commercial Senior Director, RINA
- Pieter van der Burg Managing Director NESEC Fund Management
- Maarten Sickler Director of Project Development, CONOSHIP
- Martijn Snijder Managing Director, OLMAR
- Connie Roozen Managing Director, C&B More
- Joost Bout Loan portfolio manager, NESEC
- Mehtap Ozdemir Secretary General, Turkish Shipbuilders Association
- Marjolein Van Noort Senior policy advisor, Royal Association of Netherlands' Shipowners
- Harris Antoniou Founder & Managing Director, Neptune Maritime Leasing Ltd
- Nurettin Caliskan President External Affairs Commission ,Turkish Shipbuilders Association GISBIR
- Fabrizio Vettosi Managing Director, VSL Club SpA, Investment & Advisory
- Ed van Aalst Senior Relationship Manager, ABN AMRO Bank N.V
- Heleen Quint Senior Export Credit Specialist, Atradius Dutch State Business NV
- Marina Tzoutzouraki CFO and co-founder,
- Robbert Jan Sougé, Managing Director, Direct Ship Finance
- Joep Gorgels Chief Financial and Business Development Officer, Floattech
- Geert Dokter CEO, CONOSHIP
- Representative Lloyd's Register
- Dimitris Lyras
Managing Director, Ulysses Systems
- Dagfinn Lunde Chairman and Co-founder,, DagMar Navigation Ltd and Chairman, Cleaves Securities AS
- Dr. Elizabeth Lindstad Chief Scientist, SINTEF Ocean
- Anastasia Kiritsi Professor, Arden University
- Mike Konstantinidis Managing Director, Vessel Optimisation, ZeroNorth A/S
- Caspar van Overklift, Business Development & Manager ESG, ForestWave
- Ralf Garrn Managing Director, OceanScore
- Osman Kaya Turan Member of External Affairs Commission ,Turkish Shipbuilders Association GISBIR
- Erik Witjens Chairman, Rotterdam Maritime Services Community RMSC
- Francesco Fuselli Managing Director, Banchero Costa & co
- Lars Lamet CCO & Co-founder of Nexus Energy
- Marcel Heijnsbroek CFO, SMT shipping
- Tony Foster Managing Director, Marine Capital Ltd
- Krispijn Bertoen, Head of Responsible Investment (RI) at MN
- Carmelo Cartalemi, General Manager Global Sales, WinGD
- Tobias Backer CEO, Fleetscape
- More to be announced




Opening and Welcome

- Ioannis Kostoulas President, Mare Forum
- Erik Witjens Chairman, Rotterdam Maritime Services Community RMSC
- Annet Koster Managing Director, Royal Association of Netherlands' Shipowners
- Michael de Visser Global Head of Transportation, NIBC Bank

09:40 Session 1

Transformation; two steps ahead, one step back?  - Everything flows

- Challenges and opportunities in a multipolar world.
- Geopolitics, tensions between Russia, China, Europe and USA. Inflation, dollar appreciation, regionalization globalization, energy transition, changing trade patterns, and supply chain disruption.
- What are the shipping market forecasts for 2023 and beyond, and what are the shipping and trade opportunities today while sailing in unknown waters?
- Artificial Intelligence! Challenge sand Opportunities
- Where to invest your money today
- Who is afraid of the future?

- Michael de Visser Global Head of Transportation, NIBC Bank
- Harris Antoniou Founder & Managing Director, Neptune Maritime Leasing Ltd
- George Tsavliris Principal, Tsavliris Salvage Group
- Robert Verburgt CEO, Alliance Maritime
- Dimitris Lyras Managing Director, Ulysses Systems
- Annet Koster Managing Director, Royal Association of Netherlands' Shipowners
- Mike Konstantinidis Managing Director, Vessel Optimisation, ZeroNorth A/S
- Maarten Sickler Director of Project Development, CONOSHIP
- Dagfinn Lunde Chairman and Co-founder,, DagMar Navigation Ltd and Chairman, Cleaves
- Francesco Fuselli Managing Director, Banchero Costa & co
- more panellists to be announced

Networking Break

11:00 Session 2

Pioneering to 2030 - 2050 and beyond.  
The right way ahead decarbonization - Adapting new technologies - Lessons to be Learned

- How exposed is the existing fleet to upcoming legislation, and how do shipowners mitigate risk?
- Are carbon-neutral or zero-carbon operations a target? If so, what are the steps to reach it (e.g.vessel speed, efficiency upgrades, switching to alternative fuels, offsetting.)?
- What is now required to start reducing emissions immediately?
- What are possible incentives for first movers in decarbonization?
- Regulations imperatives;Creating the right balance between regulations and market realities.
- Will the Charterers pay for GHG emissions?
- How are alternative fuel suppliers preparing to provide carbon-neutral and zero-carbon fuels for shipping at scale?
- What is the role of charterers, shipowners, capital providers and regulators in the multi-relationship structure of their interests, focusing on a sustainable and commercially viable shipping and trading industry?
- Will repair yards have the capacity to deal with an upcoming wave of retrofits? How are they preparing for the challenge?
- What are the necessary changes in port infrastructure, and is there a plan of implementation by the relevant authorities? What are the key priorities?
- Can industry-wide initiatives, such as green corridors, accelerate the industry’s transformation? What does it take for them to be successful?
- What can we do now to help accelerate the availability of zero-carbon ships while at the same time reducing shipping’s footprint: slow steaming, retrofits, ESG reporting, and verification
- Lessons to be learned

- Pino Spadafora Global Marine Commercial Senior Director, RINA
- Dr. Elizabeth Lindstad Chief Scientist, SINTEF Ocean
- Victoria Ji Coaster Team Lead, Cargill Ocean Transportation
- Carmelo Cartalemi, General Manager Global Sales, WinGD
- Joep Gorgels Chief Financial and Business Development Officer, Floattech
- Geert Dokter
- Caspar van Overklift, Business Development & Manager ESG, ForestWave
- Ralf Garrn Managing Director, OceanScore
- Joost Bout Loan portfolio manager, NESEC
- Lars Lamet CCO & Co-founder of Nexus Energy
- George Tsavliris Principal, Tsavliris Salvage Group
- more panellists to be announced

Networking lunch

13:20 Session 3

The human factor - imperatives

- Why are New Skills, Charismatic and Talented people needed in the Shipping and trade industry?
- Do we need new skills and expertise, plus more diversity in shipping?
- Do we need talented and charismatic people for the future of shipping?
- Where will they come from?
- What is the role of shipping education institutes in the era of sustainability?
- What are the trends in shipping management attracting characters and passionate personalities ?
- What are the visions of the young generation?
- What are they looking for to enter a shipping carrier?
- How to attract young people to shipping?

- Pieter Baan Director, ING Business Banking Shipping
- Annet Koster Managing Director, Royal Association of Netherlands' Shipowners
- Anastasia Kiritsi Professor, Arden University
- Caspar van Overklift, Business Development & Manager ESG, ForestWave
- Geert Dokter CEO, CONOSHIP
- Connie Roozen Managing Director, C&B More
- Mehtap Ozdemir Secretary General, Turkish Shipbuilders Association
- more panellists to be announced

14:10 Session 4

Where does the money come from to finance (green)ships, and how do you get it?
Banking, and alternative ship finance, pros and contras.

- what are the key performance criteria lenders evaluate when providing funds to shipowners?
- What are the trends in banking, alternative ship finance, bonds and other models of finance and investments on the way decarbonization?
- What will be the future role of the Dutch, European and global banks in the industry (in the context of the increased role of alternative finance providers)?
- What are the benefits of the features of Alternative Finance to the global shipping industry?
- Will pension fund money flow into the international shipping debt markets, and what is required for this to happen?
- Will the maritime green trend accelerate in case the role of alternative finance in shipping increases?
- Will alternative finance focus more on new-build financing or on second-hand?
- How do shipping companies choose an appropriate lender?
- Lending has become highly diverse; what are the most common alternative financing structures?
- Is there competition between banks and alternative capital providers?

- Pieter van der Burg Managing Director, NESEC Fund Management
- Zhongyi (John) Su President & CEO, Erasmus Shipinvest Group
- Connie Roozen
Managing Director, C&B More
- Pieter Baan Director, ING Business Banking Shipping
- Dagfinn Lunde Chairman and Co-founder,, DagMar Navigation Ltd and Chairman, Cleaves
- Harris Antoniou Founder & Managing Director, Neptune Maritime Leasing Ltd
- Fabrizio Vettosi Managing Director, VSL Club SpA, Investment & Advisory
- Robbert Jan Souge Managing Director, Direct Ship Finance
- Ed van Aalst Senior Relationship Manager, ABN AMRO Bank N.V
- Heleen Quint Senior Export Credit Specialist, Atradius Dutch State Business NV
- Francesco Fuselli Managing Director, Banchero Costa & co
- more panellists to be announced

Networking Break

15:40 Session 5

The potential & challenges in involving Dutch institutional investors in funding the green transition of the shipping industry

Prior to the panel discussion, Michiel Steeman will conduct a special interview on stage with Mr Krispijn Bertoen (representing one of the largest asset managers for Dutch pension funds). This interview will no doubt lay out the changes that the shipping industry needs to make in order to tap into the vast capital reserves controlled by global pension funds. A reality check for the maritime sector.

- Michiel Steeman Managing Partner, Zuyderzee Capital
- Krispijn Bertoen
Head of Responsible Investment (RI) at MN
- Marcel Heijnsbroek CFO, SMT shipping
- Tony Foster
Managing Director, Marine Capital Ltd
- Ed van Aalst Senior Relationship Manager, ABN AMRO Bank N.V
- Tobias Backer CEO, Fleetscape
- more panelists to be announced


Session 6

Funding short-sea shipping

 - What are the incentives from the government and the finance industry to renew European Short sea shipping?
- What are the shipowners' requirements?
- Can short sea shipping be considered sufficiently comparable to other types of logistics physical infrastructures (highways, trains) and worthy of being recognized with the same support guaranteed by governments, EIB, MDBs?
- How to convince the capital providers to fund short sea ships?
- What is the role of governments and charterers?
- What insights do we have into the commercial viability of future ship designs?
- Who will take the investment risk on these technologies?
- Are there consolidations and acquisitions imperatives toward fleet sustainable modernization?

- Eva Klein Ovink Executive Director Short Sea Shipping and Intermodal Coverage, ABN AMRO Banks
- Victoria Ji Coaster Team Lead, Cargill Ocean Transportation
- Martijn Snijder Managing Director, OLMAR
- Geert Dokter CEO, CONOSHIP
- Pino Spadafora Global Marine Commercial Senior Director, RINA
- Michael de Visser Global Head of Transportation, NIBC Bank
- Pieter van der Burg Managing Director, NESEC Fund Management
- Fabrizio Vettosi Managing Director, VSL Club SpA, Investment & Advisory
- Marina Tzoutzouraki CFO and co-founder,
- Marjolein Van Noort Senior policy advisor, Royal Association of Netherlands' Shipowners
- more panellists to be announced

17:00 –18:00

Drinks reception  

Speakers & Panelists

Zhongyi (John) Su
Zhongyi (John) Su
Group Chairman & CEO
Erasmus Shipinvest Group
Marjolein Van Noort
Marjolein Van Noort
Head of EU representation
Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners (KVNR)
Marina Tzoutzouraki
Marina Tzoutzouraki
CFO and co-founder
Dr. Elizabeth Lindstad
Dr. Elizabeth Lindstad
Chief Scientist
Nurettin Caliskan
Nurettin Caliskan
Board Member, President International Relations
Turkish Shipbuilders Association GISBIR
Anastasia Kiritsi
Anastasia Kiritsi
Arden University
Erik Witjens
Erik Witjens
Rotterdam Maritime Services Community RMSC
Clay Maitland
Clay Maitland
Managing Partner
IRI/The Marshall Islands Registry
Ralf Garrn
Ralf Garrn
Managing Director
Osman Kaya Turan
Osman Kaya Turan
Foreign Relations Commission Member
Turkish Shipbuilders Association, GISBIR
Dagfinn Lunde
Dagfinn Lunde
Chairman and Co-founder / Chairman, DagMar Navigation Ltd / Cleaves Securities AS
Eva Klein Ovink
Eva Klein Ovink
Executive Director Short Sea Shipping and Intermodal Coverage
Carmelo Cartalemi
Carmelo Cartalemi
General Manager Global Sales
Caspar van Overklift
Caspar van Overklift
Business Development & Manager ESG
ForestWave Navigation
Joep Gorgels
Joep Gorgels
CFO / CBDO – Chief Financial and Business Development Officer
Francesco Fuselli
Francesco Fuselli
Managing Director
Banchero Costa & co
Victoria Ji
Victoria Ji
Coaster Team Lead,
Cargill Ocean Transportation
Ed van Aalst
Ed van Aalst
Senior Relationship Manager
Geert Dokter
Geert Dokter
Conoship International BV
Heleen Quint
Heleen Quint
Senior Export Credit Specialist
Atradius Dutch State Business NV
Michael de Visser
Michael de Visser
Managing Director
SEAHORSE Consulting & Invest
Martijn Snijder
Martijn Snijder
Managing Director
Pieter van der Burg
Pieter van der Burg
Managing Director
NESEC Fund Management
Fabrizio Vettosi
Fabrizio Vettosi
Managing Director
VSL Club SpA Investment & Advisory
Ralf Garrn
Ralf Garrn
Managing Director
George Tsavliris
George Tsavliris
Tsavliris Salvage Group
Mehtap Karahalli Ozdemir
Mehtap Karahalli Ozdemir
Turkish Shipbuilders’ Association GISBIR
Annet Koster
Annet Koster
Managing Director
Royal Association of Netherlands' Shipowners
Robbert Jan Sougé
Robbert Jan Sougé
Managing Director
Direct Shipfinance
Dimitris Lyras
Dimitris Lyras
Managing Director
Ulysses Systems
Michiel Steeman
Michiel Steeman
Managing Partner
Zuyderzee Capital
Pino Spadafora
Pino Spadafora
Global Marine Commercial Senior Director
Lars Lamet
Lars Lamet
CCO & Co-founder
Nexus Energy
Pieter Baan
Pieter Baan
ING Business Banking Shipping
Joost Bout
Joost Bout
Loan portfolio manager
NESEC Fund Management
Erhan Esinduy
Erhan Esinduy
Foreign Relations Commission Member
Turkish Shipbuilders Association, GISBIR
Maarten Sickler
Maarten Sickler
Conoship International
More panelists to be announced
More panelists to be announced
Robert Verburgt
Robert Verburgt
Alliance Maritime
Harris Antoniou
Harris Antoniou
Founder and Managing Director
Neptune Maritime Leasing Ltd

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